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Huntingdonshire (now part of Cambridgeshire) - George Bickham, 1796

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George Bickham Snr (1684–1758)

In October 1743 George Bickham advertised The British Monarchy, a topographical work that would later include some fort-eight maps and copperplate illustrations.

Bickham senior was a famous engraver and the descriptive text of the volume is written in his elegant calligraphy.

Bickham was a famous engraver and the descriptive text of his volume is written in his excellent calligraphy. He was an expert in the field of writing various books on the subject including The Universal Penman. His son George Jnr was also a master engraver and was responsible for most of the birds-eye views.

Eighteenth century Bird's-Eye View Map of Huntingdonshire by Bickham